


We have a gifted chancel choir led by Tina Smith.  Our choir leads us in traditional worship each Sunday morning.  The choir practices and prepares each Wednesday evening at 5:30.


Sister Friends

Sister Friends

Sister Friends is a community of ladies that meet for fellowship and Bible study at various times throughout the year.  The ladies’ group is an interdenominational Bible study open to everyone.

United Methodist Women

United Methodist Women

We have a very active women’s ministry that meets each month for various studies and fellowships.  The ladies of the church are very community-oriented and meet church and community needs in a variety of ways.  The UMW meet the third Wednesday of each month at 10:00 except for November and December when they meet the second Wednesday at 11:00.  All meetings are in the Fellowship Hall.

United Methodist Youth

United Methodist Youth

Our middle and high school students meet weekly for prayer and Bible study on Wednesdays in the church library.  They also participate in special events, outings and adventures, as well as service-related projects.

Sunday School for All Ages

Sunday School

On Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m., we offer Sunday School classes for all ages.  Small group ministry is a great way to connect with other people, establish friendships, and mutual support.  We offer the following classes:

  • Children
  • Youth
  • Young Adults (Co-Ed)
  • Adult Couples
  • Senior Adult Ladies
  • Senior Adult Men